Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Life..what a funny thing it is. It works you, tests you, and even just leaves you confused. When it feels like it has the best of you, you are expected to pick up, brush off, move on. Easier said than done.

Earlier today I was talking to a friend about Life and how it is treating us. She said something interesting."One day, we will look back and realize there was a reason for it all. We will find relevance in what may have felt like turmoil. Learned something because of it all. One day." I know my friends are smarter than smart.

Maybe we spend too much time fighting life instead of learning, living, and growing with it. Maybe life is telling us to take that risk that we are not quite certain on because it could lead to great things. For the Christian, maybe God has a bigger plan? Only time will tell.

Keep living, learning, loving and stop fighting. Remember the obstacles that don't kill us make us stronger. So they say, but only time will tell.
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