Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New travel territories

With my wonderful new gig comes some new travel opportunities.

Last week I was in Little Rock, which was much like Georgia for me. My first time there. I love meeting students who want to leave the south.  It was a productive trip. On top of it I was able to meet some wonderful professionals and see old acquaintances.

This week is Michigan, another first time. My grandfather loved here pretty much my whole life and I had never been. Nonetheless I have a travel partner. Overall, it's going well. Great for a first visit to Michigan considering I've never traveled here before. He had a wealth of knowledge about the school systems. The Alumni base is great and uber excited. Amazing.

Next is the 100 black men event on Chicago. Another first. I'll have an intern with me which is great.

So many wonderful new opportunities and it's only my one month anniversary on the job.  Feels like I been there forever and it's the perfect fit for me. I've been blessed and couldn't ask for anything more.

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