Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dating and your parents...

I'm at that age where my dating life is an hourly question. I'm sure many of you can relate. The comments and questions.

Who are you dating?

Can I hook you up?

Boy, do I have a good one for you.

You're getting up there. 

All of these make me chuckle regardless of who says it. But what I find funniest are the ways parents deal with their children dating regardless of age. The dynamics are different based on the parent and the sex of the child. I think about my whole family and laugh because it's all there.

Let's start with the father/son combo. It's a little easier. Men expect their sons to date, and do so frequently. No sweat. The pressure comes from the father making sure his son is weighing his options so to speak.

Mother/son and relationships are not quite as easy. Mothers love their baby boys and sons love their mamas. No one can ever add up. But moms know there is dating but they are very opinionated on the woman at hand. She's thinking about how this woman will treat her special boy, so there is a bit of toughness there. And let's be honest a man doesn't want his mama to know too much. Though your woman has a lot of work to get through mom.

Mother/daughter can vary. Mothers generally pick what would be a good man for them to match their daughter.  I wonder if that's why they say so many women marry their fathers?!?!?!  Moms have high standards because not only do they want you dating, they want you looking for a husband and to become a baby making machine so they can have grandbabies to spoil. Maybe that's just my mom. That's a lot, especially when you have your own plans. And yes, they try to hook you up, and if they are like my mom they are usually completely off.

Father/daughter is what I say is the toughest. Maybe because that's how my life goes.  Fathers want to see their little girls happy and successful and forever their little girls. Then comes the realization men, who are not relatives, will be a part of this process.  Dads do not like their little girls with men not them, though at times they will say things like "maybe someone will take her off my hands???!?!" He does not mean it. Dads throw temper tantrums at the thought of their daughters dating. No man will ever be good enough.  When a daughter brings a guy home all a dad thinks about is what he did or thought at that age when it came to girls.  At the same time dads want their baby girls to be with someone who can care for her equally or better than he ever could because he can't always be around. He fears being replaced as the hero in her life. Her innocence... and if you've had a great father, your expectations are high for the man you let in your life. This is a tough business.

While none of these are easy, they are consistent cycles. One not easier than the other, just different. Hopefully with the right person, it will all happen in a funny and somewhat peaceful way.

Happy dating and meeting the parents!!

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