Monday, April 25, 2011

Breaking Point

This past week, I was talking to a young man about his future. He has people in his life that make him feel like he is limited to what he can do in life because of his major. Ill-advised in so many areas of his like, he looked at me and said "Where were you six years ago?!?" At the school down the street :-) Due to choices made from the advise of people who were not as concerned about his future, his plan has taken a new path. I was so happy that he ran into me. If there is nothing else I know, that's how to help a young person figure out or feel more comfortable about their life choices.

At the ages of 16-18, we ask young people to make a decision for life. HELLO! They are teenagers, what do they know about life? As he continued to talk, his plan included "if that doesn't happen, then I'll..." I reminded him to stop and be more positive and confident. He can do so much with his life. In typical Adria-fashion, I ran down the list of things. Took his real dream and helped him see it was still attainable.

He asked what if I get there, and I don't like it. How will I know when you make a change? I told him about breaking points. We all have this line that we acknowledge subconsciously that determines when we have reached our peak of tolerance. He still couldn't get it, and I let him him, when you reach it, you will know. He has plenty of time to realize his breaking points.

The point I was getting to, was for him to follow his instinct, know what he wants and needs out of life. Be in control and ask "What are ALL of my options?"

Having reached many of my breaking points in several parts of my life, I know they hit you like a brick wall. It's what you do at these breaking points that define you, that make you stronger. Hopefully he has a lot more time between now and his breaking points.

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