Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some people have pets

I, however, have plants. Plants EVERYWHERE! Home, work, etc. I love my plants. Trust me. Nothing makes a home feel better than a plant. Granted, I'm allergic to most animals and I would not put any pet through the forgetfulness I have. I thought about getting a Beta Fish but yeah, that would not work for me.

With plants, I can pick those I am not allergic to, and that can withstand my forgetting to water them. They are real troopers.

Yes, that is a gnome in the picture above, a little inside joke from my last office. But those are some of my newbies. I love these plants.

The one above from my old office. It makes any office more pleasant. Plants and a Billy Holiday picture.

Get yourself some plants. One you love they definitely brighten my day!

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