Friday, January 14, 2011


L.I.G. Let. It. Go. That's a phrase my cousin uses all the time. When a family disagreement starts, he just looks at the person and says "L.I.G. OK!" I love it, but often times I wonder, how do I determine when to let go of someone or something. We've all seen the "Footprints" poem or the chain email about people coming in and out of our lives. Letting go of things is a little easier than letting go of people. Especially when you have the choice to.

I have had "friends" come into my life and then have had to make the decision to, let them go. Never quite for the same reason, sometimes it goes better than others. Regardless, it is never easy. Many times it is just coming to the realization of who you or the person truly are. We do grow apart due to life factors, personality, morals, values and/or faith. When you come to notice it may be time to move on, what do you do? How do you do it?

It is a tough spot to be in. I am a loyal friend, not perfect, but good to those in my life. What type of friend are you? What types of friends do you attract?

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