Thursday, January 27, 2011

The triangular fight

Well I think this is a funny story now, so I thought I would share.

As you can tell from my previous postings, my car and I have gone through some trials and tribulations. Just this past September, Andre (my car), spent some time with my favorite mechanic Frank in an attempt to resolve my check engine issue. Frank and staff did all the could b/c I needed to pass inspection. We cut it down to the wire, the lights out, the boards are ready good. Frank says "Go get inspected right now!" Well as we know my luck it was too late in the day for the inspection. One day left. I had planned to get up early and be there first thing.

I'm up, in the car, ready to go in the rain. I turn on my wipers and what do you know?!? The passenger side wiper is broken. In MA, you will not pass inspection with a broken wiper. So I run to BJ's (which I love), to get my wipers. You guessed, they didn't have not a one. Ok Autozone on the other side of town here I come. Got luck there was a BOGO sale on wipers. I got my wipers, and went for inspection. Prayed the whole time. "Dear Lord, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Let Andre pass inspection. I cannot afford anything else. My dad has already yelled at me for putting so much money into my car, and yelled that I bought wipers, so I really need him to pass inspection. Please and thank you. AMEN!"

The mechanic comes in...Andre has passed inspect. WHEW! "THANK YOU!" Well it's travel season so Andre gets a break from the running. the first snow comes day after Christmas. Yes, the BLIZZARD! Andre made it from NY to MA in the mess. He's my ride or die. The next day, I clean off Andre, clean out his spot so that he can get in and out easily. We're ready. Go to use the wipers, and there goes that passenger side wipe....AGAIN! Oh well we can still function with the way it's working. I can see clearly, it just bothers me not to have a completely clean windshield. But we forge on.

A few days ago, I thought, maybe it is time to replace the wiper. This cannot continue. I'll price shop and make it all happen. Well we have been Blessed with a snow storm every week since, wiper still holding on. After today's snow stopped, I go out and clean off my car, we all good. I got back out and turn on the wipers to clean the dirt and you'll never guess what happened............The passenger wiper went flying off. All I could do was laugh. Now they have been replaced and hopefully they will last through the snow. I am determined to win the battle with my car and the wipers.

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