Monday, December 6, 2010


After a slow, quiet birthday weekend, I have returned to the real world. A little sick but I'm here. No worries, getting sick for my birthday is an annual tradition. LOL.

Over the years there is so much that I have learned about people and how they treat you. I do believe that I should treat people as I choose to be treated. It doesn't always reciprocated whether it is family, friends, colleagues, or bosses. It makes you wonder about people and their own beliefs. Someimes they will bring you down with or without knowing it. It will make you wonder... "Why do I continue to be do nice?" Just know that this will all come back to you all via karma. It took me a while to realize this but karma does see that we get the treatments that we give. Those who have been mean to you will receive something in return. Those who have been kind will receive that in return along with your thanks, I hope.

So do not stop being nice and doing the right thing for people. What goes around always comes around in due time. It is not that you wish ill-will to anyone, just know that whatever the treatment a person gives is teh same treatment they will receive.

Continue to be kind and do good deeds. Things may seem imbalanced but the universe has its own plan.

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