Monday, November 28, 2011

I miss you

I miss you more than words can express. I'm searching for answers I may never get  all I know is God took a true Angel. You touched the hearts and lives of do many. Did more in 25 years than most do in 80. You made new proud. And I'm honored you are my little, baby brother in life and in death. You have broken my heart in ways I never thought anyone could. Finding joy its bout the same without you. I pray God brings you back to me and relieve ask this heart ache and pain. I'll never understand why though I want to. I'll just wait to see you in heaven when time is right. You are my Angel. I tried protecting you in life and I know you watch over me and protect me more. I love you, miss you and hurt at the thought of days on earth without you. Rest in paradise my baby brother.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New travel territories

With my wonderful new gig comes some new travel opportunities.

Last week I was in Little Rock, which was much like Georgia for me. My first time there. I love meeting students who want to leave the south.  It was a productive trip. On top of it I was able to meet some wonderful professionals and see old acquaintances.

This week is Michigan, another first time. My grandfather loved here pretty much my whole life and I had never been. Nonetheless I have a travel partner. Overall, it's going well. Great for a first visit to Michigan considering I've never traveled here before. He had a wealth of knowledge about the school systems. The Alumni base is great and uber excited. Amazing.

Next is the 100 black men event on Chicago. Another first. I'll have an intern with me which is great.

So many wonderful new opportunities and it's only my one month anniversary on the job.  Feels like I been there forever and it's the perfect fit for me. I've been blessed and couldn't ask for anything more.

Friday, August 26, 2011


It's Friday!  I'm tired.  My dad never sends forward but this one was FUNNY!  Enjoy and happy stormy weekend.  Be safe.



An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell phone to report
that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she
explains her situation to the dispatcher: 'They've
stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and
even the accelerator!' she cried. The dispatcher said,
'Stay calm. An officer is on the way.' A few minutes
later, the officer radios in 'Disregard.' He says.
'She got in the back-seat by mistake.'


Three sisters, ages 92, 94 and 96, live in a house
together. One night the 96-year-old draws a bath. She puts
her foot in and pauses. She yells to the other sisters,
'Was I getting in or out of the bath?' The
94-year-old yells back, 'I don't know. I'll come
up and see.' She starts up the stairs and pauses
'Was I going up the stairs or down?' The 92-year-old was
sitting at the kitchen table having tea listening to her
sisters, she shakes her head and says, 'I sure hope I
never get that forgetful, knock on wood...' She then
yells, 'I'll come up and help both of you as soon as
I see who's at the door.'


Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf
one fine March day. One remarked to the other, 'Windy,
isn't it?' 'No,' the second man replied,
'it's Thursday..' And the third man chimed in,
'So am I. Let's have a beer.'

A little old lady was running up and down the halls in a
nursing home. As she walked, she would flip up the hem of
her nightgown and say 'Supersex...' She walked up to
an elderly man in a wheelchair. Flipping her gown at him,
she said, 'Supersex.' He sat silently for a moment
or two and finally answered, 'I'll take the

Now this one is just too Precious...LOL!
Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over
the years, they had shared all kinds of activities and
adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to
meeting a few times a week to play cards.
One day, they were playing cards when one looked at the
other and said, 'Now don't get mad at me ... I know
we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't
think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I
can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is..'
Her friend glared at her for at least three minutes she
just stared and glared at her. Finally she said, 'How
soon do you need to know?'

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his cell
phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice
urgently warning him, 'Herman, I just heard on the news
that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77.
Please be careful!' 'Heck,' said Herman,
'It's not just one car.. It's hundreds of them!'


Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both
could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising
along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red,
but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger
seat thought to herself 'I must be losing it. I could
have sworn we just went through a red light.'
After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection
and the light was red. Again, they went right through. The
woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light
had been red but was really concerned that she was losing
it. She was getting nervous.
At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red
and they went on through. So she turned to the other woman
and said, 'Mildred, did you know that we just ran
through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us
Mildred turned to her and said, 'Oh, crap, am I driving?'


Friday, August 19, 2011

Too Old or Too Tired

Maybe both?!?!

When it comes down to going out am I the only one my age who just feels and old and/or tired to handle it anymore? It's time to go out and I find a movie or tv show to pre-occupy me. Once I just started cleaning....

Then when I do get there, I watch the clock to how much longer before closing. Yawning excessively. Oh boy. Please note I am known for take naps while out. Lol. And the noise boy, how am I not deaf?

When it's time to go home I'm ready. I move swifty to the car. Once home I greet my bed warmly.

Am I just tired or am I too old for this?
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Historically Black Greek Life...

I went a college that was well in the sticks.  That's right.  The Brooklyn girl, stepped out of her comfort zone and into amish country.  Culture shock 101, 102and 201.  HA!  I just knew that I was going to a historically black college and join a historically black sorority.  But I guess a higher power had a different plan for me. 

As I went on to the prodominantly white institution (PWI as they call them now), I really had no idea the world I was stepping into, but luckily, it all worked out.  As I began to find my place at the school, myself and many other students of color realized, there was no greek organization of interest to us.  Particularly black students.  There was no historically black sorority or fraternity for us to join.  As a young black person growing up, especially, from the south, joining a historically black sorority or fraternity was expected.  It is embedded in all that we see.  As you watched A Different World, they were there was pledging.

And we see it continued in movies like Stomp the Yard.

Working for schools in the Northeast, and attending them, is hard for a student of color, because being in a historically black sorority or fraternity is important to many but it's not there.

For some reason, I decided tonight to take another look at the sororities to see where they are, as many of my aquaintances have joined post-grad.  It's amazing to see that there is a lack of presence in the northeast.  I will not say which sorority I considered joining then, but I will say it is on my mind to join as a post-grad to meet people and build a bond as I move forward in my life and career.

Does having this organizations at a PWI make it better for students of color or black students?  You are allowed to pledge on other campuses if it is not available at your institution but it may not be the easiest to get to.  Do students of color lose out by attending PWIs without these organizations?

Many students come to me asking about greek life regardless of their ethnicity or race. As an "independent," who attended a PWI, and attempted to bring two of these organizations to their campus, no.  The intent is not to negate the positive effects of having these organizations but you can survive withouth them.  What's most important is to remember that you are a student FIRST!  What makes me proud of the women that I attended school with who tried, they were not willing to sacrifice what they had going already.  They knew what they stood for, and made the decision based on their own needs. 

If you don't do it in college, you can still join post-grad.  If I can look now, so can you.  Historically black sororities and fraternities are important to our culture and our nation.  They each do great work for thier membership and communities.  You just need to know if it's right , which is right and the timing for yourself.  Keep historically black greek life going but also remember yourself in the process.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Life..what a funny thing it is. It works you, tests you, and even just leaves you confused. When it feels like it has the best of you, you are expected to pick up, brush off, move on. Easier said than done.

Earlier today I was talking to a friend about Life and how it is treating us. She said something interesting."One day, we will look back and realize there was a reason for it all. We will find relevance in what may have felt like turmoil. Learned something because of it all. One day." I know my friends are smarter than smart.

Maybe we spend too much time fighting life instead of learning, living, and growing with it. Maybe life is telling us to take that risk that we are not quite certain on because it could lead to great things. For the Christian, maybe God has a bigger plan? Only time will tell.

Keep living, learning, loving and stop fighting. Remember the obstacles that don't kill us make us stronger. So they say, but only time will tell.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hiring push at Excel Academy

Hi team,
I'm writing to ask for your help to push us across the finish line with hiring.
As you know, we have been searching high and low over the past few months for the right candidates to staff our schools. We have hired a total of 17 new staff members thus far, which is an amazing accomplishment.  It's by far the most hiring we've ever done in a single hiring season.  Three cheers for Zoe, Steph and Komal for all the work they've done to help lead this process -- plus a quadruple boom-sizz to all of you who have chipped in by observing model lessons, doing interviews, talking to candidates about your experience, and more!
We still have 3 more hires to make and we're committed to filling those roles with high caliber folks.  I'm confident we will be able to do so in the next few weeks, particularly with your help.
The positions we are still looking to fill are:
  • 5th grade math – Excel-Chelsea
  • Art and Excel Fellow—Excel-East Boston
For those of you comfortable doing this, please reach out to anyone you can think of who might be interested or who might know someone who might be interested as soon as possible – you are all incredible at what you do, so it is probably safe to assume you have a great network of folks out there!  What we've found is that people you might not suspect are good sources of candidate referrals happen to know someone's friend's cousin who's in the market.  So let's cast as wide net as we can.

Thanks in advance for your help with this!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Treat Her Like A Lady

Since I'm doing this.... "dating" thing, I was sharing some of my stories with a friend.  She is a little younger than me.  And I am what many consider an "old soul."  In my "dating" adventures, I have come across a lot of men who just haven't lived up to what I feel a woman should be treated like. As the men start to treat me like less than I feel they should, I check out.  Some may see my approach as mean but it is more so to protect myself and let them know the respect I deserve is not there.

As I thought about what we talked about I thought of the song Treat Her Like A Lady.  Thank you to The Temptations.  Treat Her Like a Lady video 

These so called men would say things like "Would you come get me if I didn't feel like coming to you b/c I just didn't feel like getting up and driving?"  "So when are you going to make me dinner?"  "Oh yeah, by the way, I have no money to pay for this date." "Every woman I meet, inevitably falls in love with me." Among other inappropriate things.  Are you serious?  These are not men.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in meeting someone half way, being fair in a relationship, but I still deserve to be treated like the lady that I act like.  Amen?  AMEN!  Us, yes us, as women spend so much time now allowing certain, I will not say all, walk all over us, abuse us, and treat us less than.  Know that you deserve the best.  someone who will treasure and respect you in return.  Though they think they are being nice, they are not.  They are being disrespectful.  We must learn the difference.  If you do not stand up for what you deserve, he can only do what you allow him to do to you.

I, for one, will not be disrespected or settle for less.  I expect to be TREATED LIKE A LADY!

Driving towards sanity

It has been a long few weeks.  If it hasn't been one thing, it's been another.  Regardless, I still stand, not at my strongest by strong enough to fight the good fight.  This week, the disstress hit a new high.  To the point where I have to stop and say out loud "Lord, Sweet, Jesus, Give me strength.  Remember to breath." 

Just as I had hope that today would let up on me just a little, something else "pops" up.  Boy it took a lot for me to keep my cool.  All I could think was "Adria get in the car and go for a drive."  It had finally cooled off.. I got in my car, let down the windows and drove.  I found myself on the highway wind blowing my annoyance and stress away, if even for a moment.  When I completed the tasks I gave my self, I sat in the car with the windows down, secluded, with a cup of hot peppermint tea (my fav).  Found my inner peace for a moment and returned to the ridiculousness of my reality. 

After returning home, I tried not to let the stress creep back on me.  I sat down, turned on the fan, and reminded myself of that moment of peace. What helps you find your moment of peace?

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I love accessories… earrings and necklaces mostly. I have gotten into watches as well lately thanks to my little brother, who collects the. I am even learning to adjust to rings and bracelets. None –the-less, I may wear basic outfits but it is the accessories that I choose that make the outfit stand out. Best complement ever came from a male co-worker “Boy, Adria! You sure do know how to accessorize. You always have something new going on.” I asked and he meant it in a positive way.

Having a nickel allergy makes it hard sometimes, but here’s a tip, CLEAR NAIL POLISH. A couple of coats over the jewelry keeps it off my skin and keeps me from reacting.

When I was in Vegas my friend put me on to Titanium jewelry, which is least likely of all medals to cause a reaction. If I didn’t react it’s all good. They have some AWESOME Titanium stuff. He took me to Teno. Check them out..

Happy Accessorizing and remember, don’t over do it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Smartphone Addict

If you had asked me a year ago to get a smart phone, I'd laugh. Now that I have caught up as my brother would say, it is fairly addictive. And I love. Especially, now that I have an android platform and there is an app for me to blog. Change can happen.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Friday, May 27, 2011

What we want....

Isn't always what we. There is a reason for everything. If we work towards obtaining something, thd bettedr the chances we will obtain. Fight for what you want and deserve. I'm sure you earned it.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

EPIC Training and Program Intern Job Description

EPIC Training and Program Intern Job Description

EPIC Mission and Vision:
Empowering People for Inclusive Communities (EPIC) prepares young people with disabilities to become actively engaged community leaders through education, leadership development and community service.

EPIC’s vision is for young people with disabilities transitioning into adulthood to be empowered to embrace their abilities and leadership skills, in order to achieve their goals for gainful employment, higher education and to live healthy lifestyles.

EPIC Training and Program Intern Overview:
The EPIC Training and Program Intern position is to assist the Director of EPIC in executing the programs of EPIC in direct service, development and capacity building. This position is for a young person between the ages of 18-24 with a disability who is looking to gain first hand experience in non profit start up, program development and program directing.

This position requires roughly 10 hours a month of development and program planning work and as EPIC’s programs launch an additional 2-10 hours a month at program events. Interns are expected to be punctual, dependable, professional and effectively manage the following responsibilities:
*Assist in presenting EPIC Community Trainings.
*Assist with community outreach to potential program participants, volunteers and partners.
*Proficient with email and knowledge of/willingness to learn other computer programs and skills.
*Available to attend monthly staff meeting and program events as necessary.
*Provide feedback in a timely manner
*Ability to represent EPIC’s mission and values within the community.
*Other responsibilities may be assessed over time to meet the needs of EPIC’s programs and development.

This internship is unpaid, however the Intern will receive the following:
*Training and experience in facilitation, public speaking, teaching techniques, event planning, fundraising and capacity building among many other skills.
*Customized career guidance by Pitch. Including assistance with resume building, interviewing and networking skills. For more information on Pitch please go to
*Experience in all aspects of non profit start-up, program development, marketing and training and development.

For more information on EPIC please visit us at

To apply please send your resume and cover letter to

Friday, May 13, 2011

2011 Summer Teen Fellowship, and May 21st YAWP

Applications are now open for
the 2011 Summer Teen Fellowship!

Also: the next YAWP is May 21st, featuring Fiction, Poetry, and "Impossible Fiction"

Hello YAWPers!
We're now accepting applications for the 2011 Summer Teen Fellowship! Applications are due Friday, June 3rd. The fellowship will take place here at Grub Street HQ July 18th to August 4th. For more information, and to apply, go here.

Next Saturday, May 21st, we'll have another excellent line-up of YAWP classes. Click here to register! (Don't worry, it's still free.)

This month we're offering Fiction, taught by Becky Tuch; Poetry, taught by Regie Gibson (note that Poetry will ONLY take place in the morning this month!! Sorry!!); and Impossible Fiction, taught by Drew Jameson. After class, there will be a volunteer open-mic reading from 3 to 3:30 PM.

As ever, the Saturday YAWP session will be located at 160 Boylston Street, Boston, and is FREE for all young writers ages 13-18. You'll get a YAWP notebook, writing exercises, feedback from brilliant teachers, and snacks. All you need to bring is your imagination.
Here's the schedule:
• 10 AM to 12 PM: AM Workshops in Fiction, Poetry, and Impossible Fiction
• 12 PM to 1 PM: Social hour and lunch (we encourage you to bring your own lunch)
• 1 PM to 3 PM: PM Workshops in Fiction and Impossible Fiction
• 3 PM to 3:30 PM: Open Mic Reading
Email me at if you have any questions -- and we'll see you on the 21st!

Chip Cheek
Administrative Coordinator
YAWP (Young Adult Writers Program) is now entering its fifth year and is hosted by Grub Street, Boston's only non-profit creative writing center. YAWP has been recognized by Boston Globe as the city's hub for young writers. For more information visit or contact us at 617.695.0075 or email Chip Cheek at

I too am not a bit tamed-I too am untranslatable;
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world!
-Walt Whitman from Leaves of Grass

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Out with the old

It's so funny how calming it is to just let something go. Especially when it's not good to you or for you. Whether it is, no matter the not so positive effect it has on your life, letting go feels GREAT! I think today, I reached a breaking point on somethings, and I'm letting them go. Am I scared? Out of my mind, you have no idea. But I know there is better and more out there, and I do deserve it.

So whatever it is that is holding you back, weighing you down, treating your wrong, or just plain old no good, let it go and see what other wonderful things come into your life.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Breaking Point

This past week, I was talking to a young man about his future. He has people in his life that make him feel like he is limited to what he can do in life because of his major. Ill-advised in so many areas of his like, he looked at me and said "Where were you six years ago?!?" At the school down the street :-) Due to choices made from the advise of people who were not as concerned about his future, his plan has taken a new path. I was so happy that he ran into me. If there is nothing else I know, that's how to help a young person figure out or feel more comfortable about their life choices.

At the ages of 16-18, we ask young people to make a decision for life. HELLO! They are teenagers, what do they know about life? As he continued to talk, his plan included "if that doesn't happen, then I'll..." I reminded him to stop and be more positive and confident. He can do so much with his life. In typical Adria-fashion, I ran down the list of things. Took his real dream and helped him see it was still attainable.

He asked what if I get there, and I don't like it. How will I know when you make a change? I told him about breaking points. We all have this line that we acknowledge subconsciously that determines when we have reached our peak of tolerance. He still couldn't get it, and I let him him, when you reach it, you will know. He has plenty of time to realize his breaking points.

The point I was getting to, was for him to follow his instinct, know what he wants and needs out of life. Be in control and ask "What are ALL of my options?"

Having reached many of my breaking points in several parts of my life, I know they hit you like a brick wall. It's what you do at these breaking points that define you, that make you stronger. Hopefully he has a lot more time between now and his breaking points.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

MSN video: Celebrities Without Makeup

I start up my computer and come across this...... Check out this great MSN video: Celebrities Without Makeup Now, why is it so important for celebrities to wear make-up all the time? I think they are all still beautiful without the over doing it. Sometimes we forget, they are human just like you and I. Why does the media make such a big fuss over celebrities having an average day? I have actually only worn make up twice in my whole like and that was because my mother thought they were important for my high school and undergrad graduation pictures. I actually used the same make-up for both times. What I did learn from the women in my family is that beauty isn't in the make-up but the woman herself. Getting done up means lip stick, lip liner and lip gloss. That's it. LOL. To the celebrities MSN puts out in this video, your beauty is yours not in the make-up you wear.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My parents' house

Oh, how I forgot how entertaining it is to be at my parents' house alone. How quiet it is, and how I can nosey through things without a fuss.

Of course, I come across something that I must mention and I get fussed at for being nosey in their stuff and then, I remind them that what is theirs is my inheritance. :-) At which point they just shake their heads.

It seems like my parents never throw away anything. EVER! The reason I'm here is so that I can do my laundry for free. Yup you heard me. I will forever come with laundry until they tell me I can no more.

While in the basement waiting on what seems to be the longest wash cycle of my life, I start wandering and laughing. I found so much stuff, and thought "if they just give me 2 days, I'll clear this baby out." I'm serious, though my dad complains it's my mom, he is as much to blame. TRUST ME!

First, how many fans does my mom need so many fans in so many sizes?

Second, is the typewriter still needed? Apparently just in case they can't do something with the computer.

Third, 12... YES 12 Cake plates (at least 2 were mine that I thought were trashed). She still needs them all... FOR WHAT?

Fourth, the drum set that my bro hasn't touched in 20 years. Donation.

Fifth, the 20+ year old fire engine truck. Little ones don't even visit that much.

Sixth, one of the lamps from one of my college residence hall rooms. The Walmart one. We all had one.

Seventh, why do they still have my cane and two sets of crutches from 2002-2003? The cane ok. But the crutches and the walker?!?!?

Eighth, the two giant a/c units.

Is that my $13 Goodwill purchased table from 2003?

How many suitcases do two people who've lived in the same house since the 70's need?

I did have fun playing in the rain boots. I tried to swipe mom's but she wasn't having it. Dad's well.. yellow just isn't my color.

I love the Cher exercise VHS and the 10 others down there with the VCR that my mom still doesn't know how to use.

My favorite piece of all in the basement... the Sagittarius/Pisces love match picture from their dating days back in the early days. That's something a picture just cannot do justice for. I love it.

I guess this will just continue. Good thing the washer stopped who knows what else I would have found down there.  WHEW!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where's everyone going?

Many leaders/managers wonder why so many of their employees leave so soon and so fast. Some believe, it is just the industry they are in, high turn over, burnout. Some just say it wasn't the right fit for these particular employees. I wonder if managers ever think, "I wonder what role I played in their desire to leeave?!" Probably few as many managers place the blame, instead of taking the blame. I believe, no matter the industry an effective manager can keep happy employees. My other inqiry would be whether or not the treatment of those left are considered, especally when you have the qintessential bad manger. Are they just always left wondering... Where is everyone going?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pressure Parents

I was out the other night, I decided to go to dinner because well I was tired. When you are alone in a busy restaurant, you overhear more than you choose. There was a family of three sitting behind me, parents and a young teenage man. They were talking about his sporting event. From the moment they sat down, they were on his case as to what he needed to do to get better. He needed to improve and be more like another young man. Hearing these parents compare and mention all the negatives, broke my heart. I know they meant well, as any loving parent would. But I also know what these types of conversations can do to a child. Just hearing his voice, I guesstimated that he was probably in 9th grade. When I saw him, I was probably right.

There conversation then shifted to his college future. They had decided that he was going to have to attend a list consisting of only three school, all Ivy League or close to it. He vocal demeanor changed. Without malicious intent, they have managed to bring down the hopes of their young child. What was funny to me was that there was never a mention of his academics and how they needed to be cream of the crop to get into the school they mentioned. It will take more than a sport or two to get and keep a child in college and maintain success.

Hearing this conversation made me want to turn around and stop them. I wanted to encourage him not to limit himself. To enjoy his young days. I know that early awareness is important but when it comes with put-downs, it is counter-productive. I wanted to tell the parents to mention was he did well in his competition, what makes them proud. But, alas, I maintained my will-power not to throw myself into their conversation. My mother always tells me I need to learn not to always jump in to the rescue with my commentary. Everyone isn't looking for that. She is right, but I am a vocal person, especially when it is for the right reasons.

No I have no children of my own, but I do consider the young people to work with as partly my own. I learn so much from these young people. I do not know what the rules of good parenting are, but there are times that the person looking in from the outside, sees more than those in the situation

Monday, March 21, 2011

Yield Event Time

We are in the works fo yield events. Those choosing our dates may not have looked the the calendar thoroughly as we have 3 different events in less than one week's time. I must admit that I am tired from the two big events of yesterday that have rolled into today. Including my coming in early to accommodate a phone interview with a student from California.

Less not talk about the big staff of orange folders waiting for me to review for a decision. Or the fact that there is no heat in the building today. LOL this just gets better. My plants are enjoying themselves :-) Good thing for my super space heater from Home Depot. Oh and the coffee maker I bought for my desk. It may be time for a cup.

Stay warm and happy Yielding to the Admission people of the world.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I couldn't do it

I went to the pet store prepared to purchase a little fishy to add to come plant collection. Let me preface this with, Adria is not a pet person at all. There is doubt about it. Pets have never been my strong point. This time I thought I could do it. A little fishy... SIMPLE!

I pull into the parking lot and walk into the pet store, first there are little furry friends... I begin to pray under my breath that my eyes don't swell up and that they are securely locked in these cages. Then come the nosey little birds. Chirp Chirp. Fighting, colorful, doing what little birds do. I proceed to walk by them shaking my head and grunting "uh huh." Classic Adria moment. I see the fish tanks an proceed to walk towards them. Starting with the goldfish. My stomach became a little queasier with each step. There were also bads of grass hoppers in between.

I am looking at these colorful fish. Pretty colors and thinking , "I feel sorry if one of you gets taken home and I am not able to keep you alive. I can't do this." BOY! I looked just to see an felt so sorry for the fish, and for me. I don't know what came over me. Then I turn around to the Betta fish and one was dead in the store. Oh my goodness, I decided it was time to leave. I walked out of the store grunting "uh huh, I can't do this. Nope this is not for me. I willl stick to my plants."

I got in the car and gained my composer and called my mom to share with her my story. She was not surprised as I have never been the pet person. I then asked her where my bird, Herbie, came from when I was little. She informed me that my aunt just went out and bought it. We went on and on about how much of a headache Herbie was. UGH that bird. And when he died she didn't know what to do or tell us. It was acutally a while before I noticed Herbie was MIA. When she painfully told me he was dead, all I could say or think at 7years old.... "Oh ok." I informed her how much I was not a fan of my own pet but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. LOL He was one bad lovebird trust me.

Then she talked about my brother and his reptiles the hermit crabs and fish that my aunt and uncle got him. Those things grossed me out. I did not like having them in the house. But everytime one died he showed up with another one. WHY?

She sai this is why she wasn't surprised my mission to bring home a fishy was a fail. She, too, told me to stick with my plants. Thanks Mom.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who deserves to be in college?

Today was a long day, as it is that time of year. But today, I heard something come out of someone's mouth that, well mad me angry as I don't know what. We were discussing offering opportunities to students, and the caliber of the students at a particular school. While having this discussion with someone who has a terminal degree, claims to be dedicated to educating the next generation, and has two children of his own, he made a comment that well, made me stop and pray to myself.

The comment referred to underserved or diamonds in the rough, not deserving to be in college. I know me and I can just imagine the face I made at him that probably said "it's best if you stop talking because you might make me say something you're not going to like." I wear my thoughts on my face. I then bowed my head and asked the Lord to give the strength and not stoop to his level by saying what I really wanted to say.

Yes, admission professionals make decisions each day about what students receive acceptances to their respective institutions, but they are not saying anyone does not deserve a college education if they choose that is what is right for them. It just means their path may be different. For someone who claims to be well-educated, that was the most uneducated comment I have ever heard. Students, people, we all, have some much holding us back, why do we continue to place more barriers in front of those who have a bigger battle than the average student, person?

To that person, EVERY student who wants to go to college, deserves a chance at college. Whether it a post-grad year before going to college, community college, technical school, etc. THEY DESERVE IT! And you can quote me on that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

RIP Biggie Smalls..14 years

Do you remember where you were when you heard the news about Biggie?

I am a Brooklyn Girl through and through. Not quite a Bed Stuy girl, but it's all Brooklyn Love. Wow it's been 14 years since the hip hop world lost one of the greatest... Christopher "Notorius B.I.G." Wallace... Otherwise known as Biggie Smalls. I have never been the biggest rap fan but I could not help but love Biggie Smalls.

It was Sunday, March 9, 1997. It was my mother's birthday.. and a church day. We woke up and did the Sunday ritual of preparing for church and wishing mom a happy birthday. We got to church and Pastor Griffin was saying a special prayer for the young man Brooklyn lost. It was Pastor Griffin that informed me and my whole family of the loss of Biggie Smalls. He changed his sermon to reach out to the young people in the santuary to learn from this life lesson.

I was so shocked by the news. After church, you could feel the loss even in the elders. The day of his funeral, my parents left me no option but to be at school. I was still living and in order to keep moving, I would need to be in school. Plus they were concerned for our safety. But there were tv's in school for us to watch the service and his last ride through Brooklyn. It was heart warming the connection such a tragedy brought to a borough not known for its softer side.

Thank you Biggie for touching more than you realize. You will be missed and always appreciated.

Breakfast for Dinner

Since, I've been so drained lately.. I decided I'd take it easy tonight since I have a long day tomorrow. I decided, I'd rent a few movies... Oh Redbox, how I love thee. Get a salad and wellprob my feet up in my second fav spot, the couch. Well I went to the grocery store to get the salad and well I had the light bulb effect. BREAKFAST! I missed it this morning due to unforseen circumstances. Let's take it back.

As I walked through the store I could taste it, egg white omlette with peppers, corn, cheese. Roasted potatoes. And my weakness.. BACON! And it was on sale. WOO HOO! It was meant to be. I roasted the bacon with the potatoes. Mmmmm the smells in my apartment brightened my day alone. The egg whites mix mmm. It tastes even better. With a side of grape crystal light. Boy was I one happy girl. I don't feel more relaxed, but I am one happy girl after dinner breakfast. Though I probably should cut back on the amount of peppers, I had them in everything today. But they are so good.

If I wasn't doing a college prep panel tomorrow night in Malden. But there is alwways Friday!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

If you're wondering..

I have calmed down from last night's rant. It is not easy to try to help someone and come to the realization that they do not want your help and assistance. I have never been the type to just take "no" as an aswer. There is almost always more that can be done. For now that more would be focusing on my Master's Project so that I can GRADUATE! WOO HOO! Oh yeah and take a nap because I am drained.

I have a great window seat at the library and the sun is shining on me. Hopefully it get me through today's assignment.

Friday, March 4, 2011

You don't know me...

I have to get this off my chest. I am in the middle of working on my project plan for school but had to stop and get this out.

Today, there were communication exchanges between my little cousin (freshly 20 years old), my little brother (24 years old) and well myself (older than the other two). My brother and I do not often see eye-to-eye on well, anything. But today, we agreed on one thing, we wanted to see the best for this cousin and others. Unfortunately, she does not see it.

As I pride myself on the ability to offer access and opportunity to others, how could I not want to do the same from someone I watched grow up. I remember the day she was born. I was happy to have yet another cousin. I reached out to her because I noticed she had nothing productive going on in her life. She then got upset that I asked, because I was too serious about life and put too much pressure on her and a couple of others to be exact. At which point I chuckled because no where in the message was there pressure. I did not acknowledge it, as I wanted her to think about her actions.

Now, if you think that I'm opinionated, you should meet my little brother. He immediately responds to her letting her know that her actions now will effect life later. Her excuses said nothing. He let her know that in order to be successful in life, you have to be doing something useful.

She IMMEDIATELY put up her wall of defense and said she was grown and no one should be questioning her. That my brother and I have put too much pressure and expectations on her. She accused me of taking like too seriously and not enjoying life. She was doing things with her life in August by going to school on the other side of the world, California. I continued to laugh at the immaturity of this girl who thinks she's a woman.

I sit back and allow her to argue with my brother, as he was sharing some incredible information with her. But I sat up when I noticed she then started blaming me for her mistakes. Well, that's when I put the brakes on her and let her know that I only want to see the best for her. If I can help her learn from my own life lessons, that's what I will do. I am not so much concerned about what she chooses to do but how it will effect her life. Though she does not think that I have seen or experienced anything she hs, I will not argue with her. I know what I know. I made it clear to her that because we are family does not mean I have to care but I CHOOSE to care. She then proceeds to say I don't care because I don't check in on her. I laughed because 10 minutes ago, I was too nosey. It felt like I was on the Jerry Springer stage.

Why do I work so hard? I have always worked so hard to set a good example for those younger than me and some older than me. I want them to see hard work gets you to your dreams, freeloading gets you what your benefactor allows you to have. Our goal was to help her see that she can stand on her own two feet. Is that too much? I have worked and continue to work hard to better my own life. So what did I learn from this? As the two sayings go:
"I won't help those who won't and can't help themselves."
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

But ask that 20 year old, I don't know her, care for her, or love her. Honey, if that were the case, would I be arguing with you about the possibilities of your future and then blogging about it?

Whew I feel better. Thanks for listening

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm allergic to.....

Ok, I get it. I have a lot of allergies. At this point it's no secret. I know what they are and how to handle them. I carry my epipen like a responsible adult. I the.k I do well since I have never had to use it. I have battled allergies all my life. The tests. The shots. The anything else associated wits allergies.

What drives me bonkers are thepeople who insist they know my body and allergies better than me or my doctors. I vet it they care or are scared I'll have an episode. But it doesn't sit well when others tell me what I'm allergic to when I'm not or dwell on figuring it out for me. That's more annoying than the allergy itself.

I just needed to get it off my chest. It has happened several times in the last couple of days.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some people have pets

I, however, have plants. Plants EVERYWHERE! Home, work, etc. I love my plants. Trust me. Nothing makes a home feel better than a plant. Granted, I'm allergic to most animals and I would not put any pet through the forgetfulness I have. I thought about getting a Beta Fish but yeah, that would not work for me.

With plants, I can pick those I am not allergic to, and that can withstand my forgetting to water them. They are real troopers.

Yes, that is a gnome in the picture above, a little inside joke from my last office. But those are some of my newbies. I love these plants.

The one above from my old office. It makes any office more pleasant. Plants and a Billy Holiday picture.

Get yourself some plants. One you love they definitely brighten my day!

Applied to Graduate

YES! I have submitted my application to graduate! It feels great! I can't wait for graduation! This has been a long time in the making.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adria Meets Brussel Sprouts

Today, I had my first real-life encounter with brussel sprouts. I always saw them on tv where no one ever liked them. Never really noticed them going to the grocery store. They definitely were not common in my household growing up. So this was EXCITING for me!

When I met with my nutritionist earlier this week, we were talking about veggies that I like. The list was rather long, as I've always been a good girl when it comes to eating veggies. Well except okra (EWWWWWWWW!) She suggested that I try brussel sprouts, she said I cook so I should be able to get it right. LOL Thanks. So I was doing my weekly veggie load up, and I'm in BJ's, my home away from home, looking for peppers.... And there they were... FRESH BRUSSEL SPROUTS! I must admit, I was a tad nervous paying for these things when i didn't know if I would like them. I'm sure people in the store thought I was crazy inspecting them to see what I could compare them to. I finally decided they looked like mini baby cabbage. I love cabbage. OK in the cart they went. I did what Hillary said to do, and guess what?!?!?!?!?! I LOVE BRUSSEL SPROUTS!

Well that's my excitement for today, other than my achy calves from yesterday's leg work out. I'm sure Hillary will love to hear that one of the things on the "Let's try it once, Adria" List has been moved to the "OK, I can make this happen, Hillary" list.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Return to Strike

Oh, my! I need to return to my cooking strike. This cooking for others has opened a bad, but yummy can of worms for me. The red velvet cupcakes we so good, I think I got addicted. During this week's ice storm, I got a little cabin fever looking at this:

I decided to make my own little batch of red velvet. Only issue is I was out of red food coloring, but I had other colors. So I pull down the colors and decide, YES I will mix green and pink.. It all tastes the same. As I mixed the batter turned purple. Even more exciting, my favorite color. Who said they had to be red??

I ended up with the yummiest purple velvet cupcakes.

Yes, I even piped the cream cheese frosting in the middle. It was heavenly. But we won't tell my nutritionist or trainer about this slip, I will enjoy and return to my cooking strike :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yummy and healthy

I'm so proud of myself. I have been doing these delicious, healthy meals using some of the tips from my nutritionist.

Last week I made sloppy joe pizza on whole wheat crust. I added so many veggies it double the amount so I am all set for another pizza next time. Convenience and healthy. No I did not use sloppy joe mix but it does come out looking as such. I filled it with spinach, corn, 5 kinds of peppers, jalepenos, scallions, and garlic. Topped with some reduced fat cheese. It was amazing.

Yesterday, I made collard greens with the same veggie additions of peppers, etc. brown rice with corn (since I'm not a big rice lover). And Chicken breasts. It was so yummy. And guilt free. I can't wait to have it for lunch today. Eating healthy can be fun.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Call me Chef Adria B.

Oh man I love cooking for the one I love who enjoy my foods. Especially when they let me experiment with recipes. It's fun for me. Though most of what I make I do not or cannot eat. Though others enjoy my cooking, I find it hard to impress myself. Every now and then I'll do something uber amazing like tonight. i made baked macaroni which i don't eat. lemon cake which was SOOOOOOO good. and the best of all red velvet cupcakes. they were so good i ate w/o icing. then had to get on my phone n share with you all. ok that's all.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Your choices, your rules

As I lay here waiting to fall asleep, I have so much on my mind. It will not stop racing long enough for me to think or focus on what I need to. Today, or yesterday, was one of those days where it was just quite good. It was ok but everytime it started to creep above that, something/someone tried to steal it away. None the less it was ok.

I try to focus on the good parts of the day... I was able to read applications from home this morning before head to Boston to meet with the ladies of Girls Preparing to Succeed. I love working with these young ladies as they explore their interest in college and life in general. It is a small group but I love it because they do not hold back. I try to make it as open as they need it to be to get my message across and their questions anwered.

We spent the afternoon talking about the college process. Where do they start? How do they start? Being encouraged through it all. It breaks my heart to hear what some of these young ladies go through. Though I have been there myself, I know the pain and the struggle. I also know the struggles they will have as they try to move up and achieve their goals. Regardless of what we talk about, I make it a point to encourage them, compliment them and be candid with them.

There are so many things/people in the world, in their own worlds, that hold them back. They all have the potential to achieve their goals. We talked about making choices that fit their needs and goals. They do not have to path of another, as there are many ways to get to the same conclusion. It is small moments like this that remind me of the importance of what I do in addition to be an Admission Counselor. It is great to see their minds churning with the ideas of the options they have.

These ladies are full of potential and I cannot wait to see them surpass it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The triangular fight

Well I think this is a funny story now, so I thought I would share.

As you can tell from my previous postings, my car and I have gone through some trials and tribulations. Just this past September, Andre (my car), spent some time with my favorite mechanic Frank in an attempt to resolve my check engine issue. Frank and staff did all the could b/c I needed to pass inspection. We cut it down to the wire, the lights out, the boards are ready good. Frank says "Go get inspected right now!" Well as we know my luck it was too late in the day for the inspection. One day left. I had planned to get up early and be there first thing.

I'm up, in the car, ready to go in the rain. I turn on my wipers and what do you know?!? The passenger side wiper is broken. In MA, you will not pass inspection with a broken wiper. So I run to BJ's (which I love), to get my wipers. You guessed, they didn't have not a one. Ok Autozone on the other side of town here I come. Got luck there was a BOGO sale on wipers. I got my wipers, and went for inspection. Prayed the whole time. "Dear Lord, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Let Andre pass inspection. I cannot afford anything else. My dad has already yelled at me for putting so much money into my car, and yelled that I bought wipers, so I really need him to pass inspection. Please and thank you. AMEN!"

The mechanic comes in...Andre has passed inspect. WHEW! "THANK YOU!" Well it's travel season so Andre gets a break from the running. the first snow comes day after Christmas. Yes, the BLIZZARD! Andre made it from NY to MA in the mess. He's my ride or die. The next day, I clean off Andre, clean out his spot so that he can get in and out easily. We're ready. Go to use the wipers, and there goes that passenger side wipe....AGAIN! Oh well we can still function with the way it's working. I can see clearly, it just bothers me not to have a completely clean windshield. But we forge on.

A few days ago, I thought, maybe it is time to replace the wiper. This cannot continue. I'll price shop and make it all happen. Well we have been Blessed with a snow storm every week since, wiper still holding on. After today's snow stopped, I go out and clean off my car, we all good. I got back out and turn on the wipers to clean the dirt and you'll never guess what happened............The passenger wiper went flying off. All I could do was laugh. Now they have been replaced and hopefully they will last through the snow. I am determined to win the battle with my car and the wipers.

Friday, January 14, 2011


L.I.G. Let. It. Go. That's a phrase my cousin uses all the time. When a family disagreement starts, he just looks at the person and says "L.I.G. OK!" I love it, but often times I wonder, how do I determine when to let go of someone or something. We've all seen the "Footprints" poem or the chain email about people coming in and out of our lives. Letting go of things is a little easier than letting go of people. Especially when you have the choice to.

I have had "friends" come into my life and then have had to make the decision to, let them go. Never quite for the same reason, sometimes it goes better than others. Regardless, it is never easy. Many times it is just coming to the realization of who you or the person truly are. We do grow apart due to life factors, personality, morals, values and/or faith. When you come to notice it may be time to move on, what do you do? How do you do it?

It is a tough spot to be in. I am a loyal friend, not perfect, but good to those in my life. What type of friend are you? What types of friends do you attract?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Lately, I've been thinking about how different the students I work are from the teenagers of "my day." Ha ha ha. It is so funny to say that because I thought it was something only "old people" say. I guess I am getting there.

I know and understand it is the difference in the environment and the world that makes each generation different. But it is still a cycle, as we all find ourselves at some point sounding like the adults of our childhood. As a "young adult," I find it interesting the way my elders feel I should be living my life. The goals I have set for myself are not quite what they would have expected. Though I do not see an issue with the choices I have made, it is that difference they continue to preach about.

I, recently, had a birthday. A lady never tells her age, just know that I am old enough but not that old. I spoke to my 95 year ol grandmother, and these days you never know what is going to come out of her mouth. You cringe and wait, she is 95, she's earned it. We talked about me being a year older. I reminded her of my age and she said "So now that you're older, what are you going to do with your life?" Baffled, I paused, I feel my life is fruitful, but not by everyone's standards. I responded by letting her know that I was working full-time, in school full-time, offering access to other and taking control of my health and life. To her this meant, nothing as she responded "So you're not planning on getting married or anything?" I laughed it off and said "Not right now, but I will keep you posted." She still was not sure whether I got the point or not, but we moved on.

Later that week, I spoke with my aunt who is 20+ years younger than my grandmother. She knew my education and career were important, but she feels my life is missing something because I am not married. I laughed because here was the same conversation with the addition of the importance of education and career. She is always asking me about my dating life, and when will I get married. She has even offered to help me find a husband. I thought, why go looking when fate will bring the right person at the right time? But I let her continue her attempt to "marry me off."

While these two different generations share the same concern for my lack of marriage, I do not see a concern. I do not feel that being married or finding a husband is what defines me and the things that I can do in the world. For my grandmother's generation, it was common to be married at 16. For my aunt's generation, marriage is still important but so is career and education. For me, marriage is not at the top of my list. What is common between our generations, we all respect and understand the meaning of marriage and finding someone who is actually your other half. So while we see it differently, the same factors are of concern for us.

So, you're wondering how I ward off my grandmother. I just say "Grandma, when you find a man, and get re-married, I will follow your lead :-)" She laughs really hard and we move on to the next subject.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Full-Time and Online

Whew! I'm back. School has started and I think I'm getting back into a routine, at least where the snow doesn't throw a monkey wrench. Yes, I could shoveling 12 inches of snow a workout, so I do get a little change there.

Today, I was talking to a good friend about what it means to be an online/distance learner. Online education has this stigma of being easy and less rigorous. When I was considering programs, I fell into that cluster of people underestimating the rigor and requirements of being educated via the Internet. I thought I could do what I want, when I wanted. My friends who are online students have expressed similar misconceptions. Many wonder, how can online education be rigorous? Well let me tell you...

Being an online learner, and having several friends who have sought the road of distance learning, I speak first-hand about its meaning. All of the people I reference attend accredited universities. As you may know, I am a Northeastern University student. As I took my first steps into online learning, I was nervous about whether or not I could do this without a class room. I wondered, whether or not my online education would be as much of a benefit. I made the jump because it was the right fit for the chaos I call my life.

What I did not know was, the amount of self-discipline and self-education it took to be a successful online learner. I have friends who have excelled and failed with online learning. It is not easy because you still have deadlines, lectures, more reading, papers, assignments, presentations, etc. Class discussion play a key role in online education, just in a different format. I have taken the "traditional" graduate class and can tell you that online requires a lot more of a person. If you are not prepared to give yourself a routine and discipline needed to accomplish the work, you will hit a roadblock. This is true for any form of education.

I am now pro-online education for the right person. Though it has required more of my time, focus and understanding of the material alone, it has improved my writing, social media, and righting skills. All important as the world moves forward with its use of technology. I have to know how to navigate the discussion boards, research, hold group meetings with co-hort members in different time zones. SKYPE and Google chat are great friends of mine. The interaction and diversity of online education is different because you are not limited to who is there and where they are from. My co-hort has 8 members of which the following is included:
  • 4 woman and 4 men
  • 7 states represented
  • 1 member of the military
  • 2 human resources officers
  • 1 higher education administration
  • 2 IT professionals
  • 1 public school teacher
  • 2 animal activists
  • 1 basketball coach
  • 3 under the age of 30
  • 3 African Americans
  • 1 Asian American
  • 1 who has a degree from a university abroad
  • 1-35 years of work experience

There is so much that makes learning with this group great. These are things, I do not feel I would be able to get in a traditional classroom.

Another big concern for me was the availability of faculty members. Though I probably would not have admitted this years ago, I need and enjoy the interaction with educators because they challenge me to do better. Now, I wonder, what was I worried about? My faculty members have been AMAZING! Far more interaction than traditional learning. They want to see us all succeed and learn as much as possible. Friends in other programs at other schools have expressed the same experience.

Because I feel the need to go big on these things, I am a full-time online grad student. Yes, I do work full-time. If you know what college admission is like, you know that is not a basic 9-5. This is only successful if you are self-aware. I knew that I could handle it all, and made decisions on what in my life could be sacrificed for me to achieve my personal goals. I narrowed down my priorities to the following:

  • Health/Fitness
  • Education
  • Career
  • Life/fun

Not a bad list, if I might say so myself. It has worked for me, and I have one quarter left. I am also considering going for the big goal of a doctorate because I know I have options in my learning. But don't tell anyone I said that :-D

But don't just take my word on distance learning. If you search, you will find that more schools are offering the option for online, hybrid and blended learning. There are some pretty prestigious and rigorous schools on that list with a variety of academic programs.

My first and last suggestion would always be to do what is the right fit at the right time for you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Such a nerd...

and proud of it. I can't wait for school to start Monday! It is a lot of work being a student and working full-time, but I do not regret it. My classes are intense but I learn so much and I love it. School is usually the least of my problems.

I am in the fast-track MS in Leadership program at Northeastern University in Boston. I waited a while before deciding to go back to school. I had taken some classes at another institution but it was not working for me. I knew it was my time to be a student again. When a friend mentioned NEU to me, I did my research and I was so EXCITED! It was exactly what I wanted.

My professors have been WONDERFUL! The classes are engaging... and guess what! It's online. I was first a little concerned about online, I thought it would be difficult, but I LOVE IT! NEU makes for a great experience. My cohort is small, yet diverse. My class on personal branding actually encouraged me to expand in to blogging and micro-blogging.

What is most exciting? I will be done in April. I know, I am going to miss it but it has inspired me to consider a doctorate. One degree at a time though.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Comida del Corazón

That's how my friend described it. Food from the heart, of love.

One of my passions is in my kitchen, I like to cook for those I love. I never understood why it was so great sometimes but not others and my friend said.... It's made with love. I made them dinner and took it to them. They had only heard about my cook abilities. With what is going on for them, I wanted to help out. So when I offer to cook, it's never small and lasts at least 2 days. Please, note I was raised by southerners. The menu consisted of the following:
  • Collard Greens
  • Baked Macaroni
  • BBQ Chicken
  • Pound Cake
  • Strwberry syrup

Let's start wit the Greens, they were fresh from my favorite place Wilson Farms. I cleaned, cut and stored for times like this. Cooked in smoked turkey necks, that I smoked myself. Some yummy seasoning. They were good.

The Baked Macaroni is a dish that I don't even eat, so I don't know what it should taste like but I seem to get it right. I made the cheese sauce myself this time, no velveeta. With chunks of monterey and extra sharp throughout the pan.

BBQ Chicken is one of my favoroites. I use the chicken breast tenders to allow easy portioning. I love Jack Daniels BBQ sauce, and I add a little Adria lovin' to it. I like spice but this time I left it out.

The Pound cake is courtesy of Paula Dean. Mama's Pound Cake. I love that recipe. I bought fresh strawberries to make the syrup topping.

My home smelled so yummy and my friends were pleased. Seeing people happy with my cooking makes me smile. Yes, I know I forgot the cornbread. I was a little distracted.

My Family

When I was younger, I always wondered how I ended up with the family I have. I love them, but something just wasn't right. Why couldn't I choose my family? Come on, now. You know you've wondered the same thing at least once. Who chooses you to share the same DNA?

As I grew older, I understood family many times went further than your "kin-folk." I was getting older, wiser, and choosing the people who were important in my life. I had friends, who understood and cared for me. Hmmmm... Is this my chance to "choose" my family? It is. It has taken me a lot of time to realize it, but with my friends I have created an extension to my family.

Those who are my true friends, and fall into this family list, are the ones that are there through it all. Yes, we may fight and argue, but there is a love behind it all. We are there for each other through good and bad times. We laugh, we cry, we sing, and even sit in silence. It's just the pure knowledge of knowing you are safe with these people makes it wonderful.

When I moved to the Boston area in 2005, I knew 3 people, and only one was a true friend. I took a leap moving to a place four hours from my family. In that time, I have learned what true friendship is. Friendship is that which becomes family, where it is thicker than water. We see each other as family and with each of us comes the dynamic of our biological family. The connection we have goes beyond, and they are people who chose me and I chose them back. Though my parents only had one other child, I have sisters and brothers from a variety of places who have different experiences. We may be more diverse than the Jolie-Pitts, lol!

I am BLESSED! to have all/both families. I am more grateful that I realize their importance and love. Think about the extended family in your life. They are there, you just have to open your eyes and arms and embrace them. I'm glad I did, because they have all added joy to my life.